Jake Huntley (b. 1996) is a conductor and composer with a passion for exploring the many aspects of the voice. His compositions have been commissioned and performed by collegiate and high school ensembles around the nation, such as the Western Illinois University Singers and the Wartburg College Ritterchor. His music is becoming a favorite for conductors and singers alike, as it has been praised for being “well crafted, with many lovely magical moments.” (Reading Phoenix Choir, 2020) As an emerging composer, Jake’s music continues to earn acclaim, such as winning the Minnesota State University - Moorhead Dragon Music Prize (2024) and earning an Honorary Mention in the Inaugural Celebris Composition Competition (2020). 

Jake currently lives in Hutchinson, Minnesota with his wife where he teaches high school choir and music theory. Prior to this position, Jake served as the Director of Choirs at Bellevue Community School District in Bellevue, IA, where he conducted three curricular choirs grades 6-12, taught general music to students grades 2-5, instructed students in individual voice lessons, directed musicals, and worked with students through various extracurriculars such as All-State choirs and solo/ensemble contests.  Jake holds a Bachelor of Music Education from Wartburg College where he studied rehearsal technique and conducting with Dr. Lee Nelson, served as a student conductor in several roles, and worked as the Director of Music at St. Timothy’s United Methodist Church in Cedar Falls, IA. He holds a Master of Music in Choral Conducting from Western Illinois University where he studied gesture and vocal pedagogy with Dr. Brian Winnie. Under Dr. Winnie's teachings, Jake learned to train the voice utilizing Estill Voice Training. When not in the classroom or writing new music, Jake enjoys baseball games or spending time with his wife and their dog, Coda.

All pieces can be found on this website. If you have any questions about pieces, recordings, perusal copies, etc., feel free to send an email to